The first psychological tests

Psychological tests or questionnaires are very numerous in the field of psychology. They make it possible to identify the presence of one or more psychological characteristics in an individual. The first tests were created after 1900 at the request of the authorities in order to evaluate the intelligence of children. The question at that time was which children should continue their studies and which ones should be sent to work.
Different tests for different needs
Human resources departments use them to identify the presence of a particular characteristic in a person. The results will provide useful information to place the worker in an environment compatible with some of the characteristics identified in the test.
The therapist’s test
Here we are talking about tests that are also called questionnaires or rating scales. They allow the therapist to observe the presence or absence of certain typical signs of a disorder. Not all therapists need to do tests with their patients. Very often, it is performed by the therapists who practice CBT.
Why qualify the symptoms?
Because every disorder or disease is treated differently. It is therefore a question of making the most precise diagnosis possible in order to choose the most appropriate care. The test will help us choose the best care procedure. It is therefore an aid to diagnosis. It is the equivalent of the GPS in your car that does not drive you, but guides you along the route that is supposed to be the best. Often, they qualify, quantify, orient or clarify a diagnosis already made by the clinician.
Why quantify the symptoms?
Because we need to know if the symptoms are mildly, moderately or massively present in the person. The evaluation scales also make it possible during and at the end of therapy to assess the progress, regression, maintenance, recurrence or disappearance of the symptoms. Once again, they are an aid to reasoning.
What are the limits of the tests?
They are numerous. There can be problems of understanding, interpretation, more or less sincere answers when taking a test. It is therefore a question of not being satisfied with a past test, sometimes using different ones and keeping in mind that a test or a questionnaire does not tell the truth. For the clinician, it is an aid to decision making.
Liens amis
Testez votre degré d’anxiété sociale (très présente dans la phobie sociale) avec l’échelle de Leibowitz.
Testez votre niveau de dépression avec l’inventaire de Beck. Ce test évalue la présence et la sévérité de symptômes dépressifs chez une personne.
Vérifiez si vous avez un TOC avec le Questionnaire de Dépistage du TOC. Il existe un autre test pour les TOC, l’échelle d’obsession-compulsion de Yale-Brown (Y-BOCS).
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